About Us:
My name is Corey A. Harris, and in partnership with my wife, Loretta Harris, am the Chief Steward of #Justry.
This spiritual declaration was unknowingly birthed in me as a young kid. I grew up in Baltimore, MD and as a kid with a lack of positive reinforcements, became a juvenile delinquent; repeated the 9th grade 3 times, and was a victim of extreme peer pressure that would lead to periods of criminal behavior.
God’s mercy and grace would allow me to experience the power of #Justry as I later became a first generation college graduate, a responsible husband and a role model to my Daughter and Son. Yes I am living proof of God redeeming his promise when you put faith to work and #Justry.
What We Do...
#Justry creates faith based apparel designed to encourage and empower people to live out there God given purpose. Also, we partner with homeless shelters to provide donations, toiletries, spiritual encoragement and other essentials to our brothers and sisters in need. Lastly we work with church ministries to develop curriculum that empower men, youth, and couples to live out their God-given purpose.
If you or your organization would like #Justry to speak on the power of putting faith to action please contact us.